Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to Enjoy Your Job Search

How to Enjoy Your Job Search One important aspect of searching for a new job is maintaining a positive attitude- believe it or not, your attitude can reflect on your ability to get a job. Taking the time to care for yourself and keep your spirits up, even with the situation may seem desperate, can lead you to job positions that you may not have thought of and a lifetime career doing something you really enjoy. Keep Having Fun While Job SearchingMaybe money is a little tight, but you don’t have to let it cramp your style. Take a walk, go jogging, or do some volunteer work that makes you feel fulfilled. Do you like animals? Volunteer at an animal shelter, and spend some time with other animal lovers. If you’re into sports, you can join a league, or coach a children’s team at school. When your normal idea of a night out is to go to a movie, rent a movie and invite friends over for an evening of camaraderie. Fun doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.Get a Part-time JobWhile you’re wa iting for that perfect job opportunity to come along, you can look for part-time jobs doing something else. It gives you a reason to leave the house every day, keeps you on a schedule, and you will meet new people. It also helps you focus energy in a positive way and gives you spending cash while you wait that you can use to pay bills and have a little fun.Focus on the PositiveLooking at the jobs you had in the past can bring negativity into your life. Now is the time you can reinvent yourself and head in a new direction. Make a list of your skills, and choose a new career path that you find interesting and would enjoy doing. Just because you have worked in one area doesn’t limit you from branching out. While it’s great to have a job, it is even better when you are doing something you really enjoy.Target Your Job SearchThese days you might not hear back from potential employers when you submit a resume, but that represents modern times and is not a reflection on you or your abilities. Keep focused on the type of job you want and apply for a certain number of jobs per week. Look at it as a game that you can win.Interviews Where You Didn’t Get the JobWhen this happens, it is far from a negative experience. Being called for an interview, even if you don’t get the job, means you have the qualifications the employer is seeking for the position.That means you are on the right track to finding the job you want. Make a game of practicing your interview skills. You can prepare a statement that you can practice in front of the mirror, so you will appear confident and relaxed during your next interview. Have a friend conduct a practice interview and ask for feedback or record it, so you know how you sound and where your interview skills could use improvement.Keep on Top of Job Listings with Job Search SitesSeeing an advertisement for a job you want and not responding quickly may mean the position has already been filled. While looking online f or a new job can be helpful and might result in possible employment, you might want to take the easier route and have a company do the job search for you.TheJobNetwork is a free website that does your job search for you and sends you appropriate listings by email when those jobs become available. In this way, you don’t miss any job opportunities and can be happy knowing you won’t miss getting that great job.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Childrens Stories About Being Yourself

Children's Stories About Being Yourself The ancient Greek storyteller Aesop is credited with crafting scores of tales with valuable moral lessons. Many of them still resonate today, including the following tales about being yourself. Pretense Is Only Skin Deep Aesops fables tell us that nature will shine through no matter what package you put it in. Theres no point in pretending to be something youre not because the truth will eventually come out, either by accident or by force. The Cat and Venus. A cat falls in love with a man and begs  Venus to change her into a woman. Venus complies, and the man and cat-woman are married. But when Venus tests her by dropping a mouse into the room, the cat-woman leaps up to chase it. The cat can change her appearance, but not her nature.The Ass in the Lions Skin. A donkey puts on a lions skin and runs around the jungle scaring the other animals. But when he opens his mouth, his bray gives him away.The Vain Jackdaw. Dressing in the discarded feathers of other birds, a jackdaw almost convinces Jupiter to appoint him king of the birds. But the other birds strip him of his disguise and reveal his true nature.The Cat and the Birds. A cat, hearing that the birds are ill, dresses as a doctor and offers his help. The birds, seeing through his disguise, reply that theyre fine and will continue to be so if he will only leave. After all, the birds have a lot more at stake than the cat does. The Dangers of Pretense Aesops fables also warn us that trying to be something youre not can alienate others. The protagonists in these tales end up worse off than if they had just accepted themselves. The Jackdaw and the Doves. A jackdaw paints his feathers white because he likes the looks of the doves food. But they catch on to him and chase him away. When he goes back to eat with the other jackdaws, they don’t recognize his white feathers, so they, too, chase him away. Guess who ends up hungry.The Jay and the Peacock.  This story is similar to The Jackdaw and the Doves, but instead of desiring food, the jay just wants to strut like a proud peacock. The other jays watch the whole thing, disgusted, and refuse to welcome him back.The Eagle and the Jackdaw. A jackdaw, envious of the eagle, tries to behave like one. But without the eagles skills, he gets himself into a sticky situation and ends up as a pet for children, his wings clipped.The Raven and the Swan. A raven who wants to be as beautiful as a swan becomes so obsessed with cleansing his feathers that he moves away from his food source and starves to death. Oh, and his feathers stay black.The Ass and the Grasshopper.   This story is similar to The Raven and the Swan. A donkey, hearing some grasshoppers chirping, jumps to the conclusion that their voices must be a result of their diet. He resolves to eat nothing but dew, and consequently starves. Be Yourself Aesop also has a host of fables designed to demonstrate that we should all be resigned to our station in life and not aspire to anything greater. Foxes should be subservient to lions. Camels shouldnt try to be cute like monkeys. Monkeys shouldnt try to learn to fish. A donkey should put up with a terrible master because he could always have an even worse one.  These arent great lessons for modern children. But Aesops stories about avoiding pretense (and not starving yourself for beauty) still seem relevant today.